Crystal's StorySite


Charlotte's Niece

by Pamela


Chapter 5

It took a few minutes to reorient myself after waking up the next morning. At first I thought I was inside a girls dress, so surrounded was I by pink and white lace. Then recollection of where I was flooded my memory. I laughed to myself thinking what would happen if my friends saw where I was staying.

When getting dressed, I had to decide whether or not I should wear the panties Charlotte had bought me. Remembering my mom's admonition, I decided not to. I'd strictly wear my boys underwear.

I was alone at the breakfast table. Evidently, Charlotte had already left for work, and Lei was still sleeping. I was supposed to report to NYU that morning so I ate quickly, washed up and was out the door before 9 AM. I walked over to the University and signed in to begin my research project. It was exciting to be among the college students taking summer classes;

I felt grown up and important. The professor I was to work with was kind and I felt lucky to work with him. We discussed the line of research I would be pursuing. He was confident I could make much progress on my own. In any event, he would be traveling a lot during the summer, but I could contact him through email any I time I needed help. Walking back to Charlotte's apartment later that afternoon, I felt like I was on cloud nine.

When I approached Charlotte's building, I wondered what Linda would be doing. Should I knock on her door? That thought made me nervous. On the other hand, if I didn't contact her I would hate myself for wasting a good opportunity to get to know a pretty girl. I decided that I would say hi to her soon, though not this day. I let myself back in the apartment with the key Charlotte had given me. I was surprised to see Ethel in the kitchen.

"Hi," I said, "what are you doing here?"

"Charlotte asked me to watch over you kids!"

"Yes, but,.."

"Well its a good thing you've come home before her, since if she ever saw the way you left this place she'd throw an absolute fit."

"What do you mean?"

"Come. First stop is your bedroom," and she took off toward it expecting me to follow.

"How did you know this one was mine?" I asked.

"I saw your clothes in the drawers, and the new panties Charlotte bought you. You didn't wear them did you?"

I couldn't believe she had gone through my drawers. "What do you mean?" I was apoplectic, "you looked in my drawers?"

"I'm trying to take stock of the situation, until you learn the rules. You know, Charlotte expects you to not only keep the room clean, but also the inside of the drawers. She's liable to inspect them anytime herself."

"She never said anything about that!"

Ethel stopped to look at me, and smiled. "Don't be so upset! Charlotte prides herself on having an orderly home. You couldn't possibly have known about it; you've only just arrived! Luckily, I'm here to help you, so then Charlotte will never notice there were any problems."

"I don't see how the inside of my drawer could be a problem. How did you know I didn't wear the panties?"

"I counted them. Charlotte specifically asked me to see if you were wearing them, since she's anxious to find out how you like them."

"Why does she want to know how I like them?"

"I guess its because she's concerned about you. But perhaps you should ask her yourself!"

I didn't want to mention that my mom and dad forbade me to wear them, so I just said, "actually I forgot about them this morning. I planned to start wearing them tomorrow."

"Good, Charlotte will be pleased. Now I'm going to teach you how to make your bed." Ethel proceeded to show me how to make hospital corners with the sheets, how to arrange the comforter, the pillows and even the dolly. She had me do it once myself, then pointed out my mistakes and had me do it again. To my eye it looked perfect, but she made me do it yet again. After the third time, I said, "I can't do it anymore. I'm tired. It looks perfect to me!"

"No its not perfect. Charlotte will immediately notice the defects. Come try it again." She gave me a stern look and I obeyed.

This time she intervened at several strategic points so it came out to her satisfaction. "Isn't that nice? Can't you see the difference?" To me it seemed incredibly unimportant: I never made my bed at home. I sat down on it after it was done and Ethel said, "no time to relax! Up, up. Take a look around, is everything in its place?" Some of my clothes I had left on the dresser top, and she made me put them back in the drawer. But before that we had to go through each drawer one by one to make sure they were perfectly neat. In the drawer with my new panties, Ethel said, "why don't you put one of these on now; it will please Charlotte." While it may have been a question it sounded like a command, and I resigned myself to taking the path of least resistance. My mom and dad were very far away, what else could I do. "OK, it won't take me but a moment to change."

She left the room, and I took off my pants and underpants and sat on the bed. Suddenly, I felt homesick; if only my mom and dad were not so far away, I wouldn't have to be dealing with Charlotte and Ethel. Thinking it would spite my parents, I took a pink panty out of the drawer and put it on, and then redressed in my pants and opened the door. "All done," I called, and Ethel came back into the room. "Just like I would have bet," she said, pointing to my underwear lying on the carpet. "That goes in the hamper. Remember, that no matter what you do, keep the room neat."

"Yes," I grumbled, "but what about Lei?" thinking that surely her room would already look like a cyclone had struck it.

"What about Lei?" Ethel asked and she offered to let me inspect her room. It was perfect.

"But I bet her drawers are a mess!"

"Take a look," Ethel said.

Opening her top dresser drawer I saw her bras and panties arranged in perfect order. It was hard to believe that she'd had a sudden conversion, so I said, "did you help her straighten them?"

"Let me say that we did have a little discussion about it this morning, and she agreed it was a good idea to keep things neat."

I supposed it was no big deal for Lei. She'd be gone in a few days, so there was no reason to complain.

I thought then that I'd be able to sit down and do some reading before dinner, but Ethel informed me that now we were going to start making dinner for Charlotte. "She comes back about six. I'll show you how to make a salad, while I rustle up some chicken. Generally, every day there will be some other chores to do: vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathrooms, the laundry and so forth."

"So Charlotte wants me to be a slave," I thought to myself.

I ended up making the salad with Ethel directing me at every turn. How to slice cucumbers, how to dice carrots, wash the lettuce and on and on. Since it was for Charlotte it had to be exactly how she liked it. "She's like the friggin queen," I said under my breath.

Just as I was done, I could hear the sound of keys rattling in the door, and Ethel rushed out of the kitchen to greet Charlotte. She called after me to come join her and I left the kitchen thinking, "Jesus, what a big deal, the queen has arrived."

Charlotte was carrying some packages and Ethel directed me to fetch them and put them down on the table. I was really getting resentful of her attitude. It seemed like both she and Charlotte were fully capable of carrying the packages themselves. Nonetheless, without voicing a complaint, I took the packages from her hand and carried them to the coffee table.

"Smells good," Charlotte said, and Ethel told her the menu, mentioning that I'd made the salad. Charlotte sat down in the living room while Ethel went to the bar to make her a drink. "Greg, let me show you how to make Charlotte's martini. She has one every night when she comes home."

Now, I'm to be a bartender as well! I shook my head in amazement.

"But before that, first put her shoes on the floor just inside her bedroom."

I could see Charlotte taking off her black heels and laying them to the side of the sofa. "But I'm not allowed in her room," I said facetiously.

Without missing a beat, Ethel said, "you just have to reach them in, I'm sure you can do that."

I gathered up Charlotte's heels and carried them to where Ethel mentioned. They were still warm from her feet and slightly damp.

When I came back, Charlotte was sitting comfortably on the sofa sipping her drink and acting oblivious to me. You'd think she was Queen Elizabeth I thought. Anyway, it looked like I could excuse myself to go to my room to read a little until dinner, so I started to slip away.

Halfway across the living room, Ethel said, "Greg come set the table, dinner's almost ready. Let me show you how."

I almost cursed aloud, but still followed Ethel into the kitchen. Obviously I could forget about doing any reading until after dinner. Ethel showed me where the silverware was kept, the plates and glasses and everything else and told me to set the table for three. "Lei said she be back later." While I busied myself with arranging the table, Ethel sat down next to Charlotte and began talking about something or other. It seemed to me that she ought to be setting the table herself. I felt resentful.

When I was done I went over to Ethel to say so, and then heard myself saying, "is there anything else?"

Charlotte said, "come sit down and tell me what you did today."

Feeling more than a little bit flattered, I sat down near her and began relating the story of meeting the professor and the excitement of being around college kids. Charlotte listened politely, and then when I was just beginning to talk about my research problem, she said, "Are you wearing the panties? How do they feel?"

The sudden change in topic surprised me and I felt foolish for trying to talk about the research program. "They're OK, I guess, I hadn't given it any thought." My tone was a bit aggressive and I felt more than a little uncomfortable being reminded that I was wearing the panties my mom and dad thought I shouldn't be wearing.

"What color? the white ones?"

What a strange question, I thought. "No, I think I put on a pink one. Look, why is it so important?"

Charlotte didn't appear to hear me. "I see Ethel has been helping you get adjusted to the apartment. Have you run across any problems?"

How about not dumping all the household chores on me, I thought. "No, everything is great," I lied. I couldn't imagine voicing my complaint to her. That would just be inviting some speech about how hard she's working for me, or some such BS. Perhaps I should complain about Ethel going through my drawers, but that would have to wait until Ethel wasn't in the room.

A buzzer went off and Ethel announced it was dinner time. It turned out that she had made quite a nice supper. When it was over, Ethel signaled me to clear the table, while Charlotte disappeared to her bedroom. When I was done with the table, Ethel instructed me to wash the dishes. They were stacked up high and included many pots she had used to cook in. I thought she was going to help me, but as soon as I started washing she left me alone in the kitchen. I'm not that skillful at dishwashing and I fumed at the thought of spending an hour on the job. That was almost how long it did take until finally I was done. I was tired and irritable. "What if this happens every damn night?," I thought to myself.

Ethel came back in the kitchen to see how I had done. She inspected some of the pots and then pulled out one that she said I had to wash again, "its not perfectly clean," and she pointed to some tiny bits of food which had stuck to the side.

I said, "why do I have to do all the dishes?"

Ethel's face which had had her usual smile, became dark. "Because I cooked the dinner and Charlotte has had a long stressful day at work. It seems the least you can do!"

But I've been working for a couple of hours straight! I thought, and my research is just as stressful!

"Shall I tell Charlotte you don't wish to help?" she asked with a warning tone.

"No, its not that I don't want to help, its just like I've been doing chores for two hours!"

"Greg, had you taken care of your room properly, it would have only been an hour. Anyway, once you learn the routine, you'll get through your jobs more quickly."

She seemed like she was trying to be understanding, so I said, "I'm sorry," even though I didn't really feel it.

"Good. When your done, you'll take out the vacuum cleaner and run it over the dining room floor."

"Yes, Ethel," I said. "Then can I go and read?"

"Yes, but first, Charlotte would like to talk to you again."

When I was done, I saw Charlotte sitting in the living room in an elegant gold and silver robe with an Aztec design on it. I stood near her saying, "Ethel said you wanted to talk to me."

"Yes, please come sit down."

I sat on the sofa a few feet from her.

She continued, "It looks to me like your fitting in well with the routine around here, which I am sure is more than a little different from your home. I'm afraid that I'm a cleanliness nut and must have a well ordered and spotless apartment."

I made a slight smile signifying that what she had said was certainly an understatement.

"Anyway, I want to let you know some other details about the routine. Mainly, on Wednesday nights my women's circle comes to visit and I'll need you to help out with the meal and afterwards. The preparations start early and I'll need you home no later than 3:30 to begin helping Ethel. When they're here, I'd like you to help serve the dinner and clean up. Normally, you can retire to your bedroom when our discussion starts. Understand?"

"Unh huh," I said as gracelessly as I could. I saw Charlotte's eyes widen slightly, but then relax again.

"Splendid, Greg. I think this is really turning out lovely. Now what are you going to do tonight?"

"What do you mean?"

"Visit a friend? That lovely girl who lives in the building?"

"No, I haven't yet contacted her."

"Well you ought to. She seemed like such a lovely girl."

"I just want to do some reading tonight."

"OK, dear, good night!" and she positioned her head as if I was to give her a kiss on the cheek.

Surprised, I leaned over and gave her a tiny peck, and said, "Good night," even though it was way too early for my bed time.


The next morning I found myself struggling to make the bed perfectly enough so that Ethel would not give me a hard time when I came home that afternoon. I also made sure to wear panties and to clean up anything out of place in the room. It seemed like a great waste of my time, but the thought of having Ethel leading me around showing me how to clean up was too much to bear.

After breakfast I walked over to the NYU library to begin my research. I would need some books to read, and also several articles from journals. It didn't take long to get what I wanted. Since it was a beautiful early summer day, I found a nice place to sit outside and spent several hours reading and thinking about what I'd be doing. The mental exertion was tiring and finally I got up in the early afternoon and decided to walk around a bit to look for a cafe to have some lunch.

There were several choices facing the square and I had just decided on one to sit down at, when I heard my name being called. Looking up I saw Linda, Audrey and two guys seated at a distant table. Going over to them, I said, "hi Linda."

"Hi Greg, what are you doing here? Did you start your project?"

"Yeah," with her long blonde hair, Linda was gorgeous wearing a tight white top and sunglasses. One of the guys was sitting next to her and he had his arm over the back of her chair, and I figured it must be her boy friend. He was dark complexioned and kind of tough looking, like James Dean. Audrey appeared to be with her boy friend, as well. He was very tall and wearing shorts with high top sneakers.

"This is Mike and Joe."

"Hi, I said.

Mike looked at me smiling and nodded slightly, while Joe said, "hi" in return.

"Were you going to be having lunch?" Linda asked.

"Yeah, well I guess I was."

"Will you join us for lunch?" I couldn't believe Linda was being so kind to me.

"Oh, no, its OK," I said, frightened at the thought of having to sit with them.

"Come on," I saw you looking like you were going to sit down.

"OK," I said and sat down at the table. A waiter came over immediately and I fumbled quickly in the menu to order. Luckily I saw they had turkey and avocado sandwiches so I ordered one with an Orangina to drink.

When he had left, Linda said, "I want you to tell Mike about what you're doing. Greg is in a special math program for the summer, even before he enrolls in college!"

Mike came suddenly to life, "Oh, he's the pantyman!"

Aghast, Linda said, "shut up MIKE!"

"You're the guy she met who's got to wear panties cause of some woman."

The implication was clear that Linda had confided this all to Mike, and I felt betrayed and hurt. I started to rise from my seat, but realized I'd ordered a sandwich and it would be too embarrassing to tell the waiter to bring it to a different table. In any event Linda had taken my arm, "please sit down! Mike, you're a complete idiot!"

Mike was laughing and Audrey chimed in as well, "Greg, you'll have to excuse Mike, he's such a moron."

This made Mike laugh even harder. "Greg, I never told Mike that you were wearing panties, only that your mothers friend was trying to make you wear them."

"Well, pantyman," Mike said, "did she get you the panties or not?"

"No!" I lied, "my mom told her to cool it. Its just that Charlotte is in the fashion industry and she's got some crazy ideas."

"Like girls jeans?" Mike said, "you're wearing Mudd's like Linda said you were."

"They're unisex! Its all over London and even down here I've met people that are into unisex jeans."

What I was saying sounded lame. I was the only guy in sight wearing girls jeans. "Just forget about Mike," Linda said, "anyway he was about to leave."

"Yeah babe, I've got to split," and he gave Linda a kiss on the lips, which she didn't look any too happy to receive. Looking at me Mike said, "its OK pantyman, this is the village. Panties, bras, guys wear anything around here."

"Don't call me pantyman!" I said.

"MIKE!" Linda said, and he was off with Joe, the two of them laughing.

"I'm so sorry Greg, Mike is sometimes an incredible schmuck," Linda said. She and Audrey were attempting to make me feel better. My sandwich arrived with an Orangina and I relaxed. While Mike may have been trying to embarrass me, it was evident that the girls didn't think badly of me, and that was more important.

We sat there awhile chatting. They told me what they were doing for the summer; Linda was working part time at the library and Audrey was taking some summer school classes. When it was about time to go, Linda said, "are you free tonight? I feel terrible about Mike and I want to show you some much nicer people. A bunch of us girls are getting together tonight at my apartment to listen to music and just BS. I'd like to introduce you to everyone."

God, is she nice I thought. I am so fortunate to meet someone like her. Besides being so pretty, she's kind. It was hard to believe how she could tolerate a guy like Mike, except I've always heard that a lot of girls seem to be attracted to brutish men.

"How many girls?" I said.

"Usually, about six of us get together. It varies. Why? is it important?"

"No, I was just wondering. Sure, I guess I'd like to go. What time?"

"Right after dinner, at about 7:30 until, who knows? You know what apartment?"

"Yeah, you said 10T."

"Right. We'll see you then! Bye!" Linda and Aubrey got up.

Aubrey smiled at me and said, "bye."

"Bye," I said and looked after them as they walked away. God, was Linda pretty.

When they were completely out of sight, I felt my heart rise up in my chest. What luck I was having. A wonderful exciting summer of research, and the beginnings of a friendship with some truly wonderful girls. For a moment I let myself indulge in a fantasy that Linda would be soon getting rid of Mike, and then she would become my girl friend. But of course, if she was attracted to Mike, she couldn't possibly be attracted to me in the same way. Well anyway, it was a pretty nice situation to be in.


I went directly home from the cafe with the expectation of sitting out on Charlotte's terrace and reading, but once again Ethel was there. Though I had thought that my room was in great shape, Ethel mildly reprimanded me on how I had done the bed. "Its starting to be OK, Greg, but its not at all the way it could be. Look, do you see how unsymmetric the corners are? And also, there are some threads on the carpeting and your panty drawer could definitely be neater."

Looking in my drawers again, I seethed to myself under my breath. Tomorrow I'd leave a sign in the drawer saying, "got you!! Invasion of privacy!!" but I also knew I'd never have the nerve to actually do it. When we were finally done with the bed, I opened up the "panty" drawer and asked her what was wrong.

"Its not as neat as it could be."

I started trying to arrange the panties more neatly and she said, "no, Greg. Take out all your panties and arrange them neatly one by one, then put the whole pile back."

I could have strangled her, but instead I thought that the fastest way to get rid of her was just to do as she said. After a couple of tries, I got the hang of stacking panties neatly, and then I was done. Ethel had me get out the vacuum cleaner and do the carpeting of my room, and then also the living room and dining room. I offered to do Charlotte's room, to see her reaction. Ethel quickly said, it didn't need any attention, she had already done it. How curious, Ethel cleaning Charlotte's room. I wondered what that meant.

After vacuuming, and after listening to a lecture by Ethel on how to do it correctly, it was already time to start making dinner and then I got caught up in the same rituals as the night before. I couldn't believe how I let myself get trapped into all this work. Especially since Lei wasn't home again, and, in fact, she'd be out until late again.

Charlotte came in again promptly at six, and I once again put her shoes away, then under Ethel's watchful eye I made her a martini and served it to her. She had me sit down next to her to tell her about my day. This time she didn't interrupt me to ask about my panties. Instead she complimented me on how neat the apartment was, and that Ethel had only nice things to say about my efforts that morning to leave the house in good condition. I mentioned to her that I was invited to Linda's apartment to meet some of her friends. She gave me a funny look, and then said, "that's nice."

"Its at 7:30," I said.

"As soon as your chores are done, you'll be able to go. Remember that tomorrow night the ladies come over. I'll appreciate your help."

"OK," I said, somewhat relieved that Charlotte wasn't going to say something about how I couldn't see Linda.

"You understand you'll be back at ten?"

"Hunh? I said.

"You'll have to be back at ten."

"But they usually stay later," I said with some exasperation.

"I can't take the responsibility for you out alone after ten.

Besides, you need to get a good night's sleep."

'At home I always stay up later than ten."

"You're not at home, Greg. You can have a plenty long visit from 7:30 to 10:00."

"But Charlotte!" I cried.

"Greg, I've had a long day at work. Please don't stress me."

Reeling from disappointment, I felt the urge to cry, or to throw something or do something to let Charlotte know how unfair she was. "I'll just stay out past ten," I thought to myself.

As if reading my mind, Charlotte said, "at ten oh five, I'll deadbolt the top lock, and you'll have to spend the night outside if you don't come back by then. That's five extra minutes in case you have to wait for the elevator."

I was surprised at how nasty the comment was. Stay outside all night! For just being a little late? Charlotte didn't seem to know anything about teenagers!


Not surprisingly, Ethel kept me busy after dinner, washing up and cleaning. I worked as fast as I could, but I had to make sure everything was right or she'd make me do it over again. It was almost 8 by the time I was finally done. "Just two lousy hours, I thought to myself!" That was ridiculous. I ran to my bathroom, checked my face in the mirror and went back to the living room to say good bye to Charlotte. She was sitting, chatting with Ethel.

"I'll be going to Linda's now. Can't I stay a little longer? I had to spend an extra half hour with the dishes!"

"See you at ten," Charlotte said and immediately went back to conversation with Ethel.

Fuming, I turned and left as rapidly as I could, even slamming the door slightly. Really, it was more of an accident than intentional.

I ran down the hall to the elevator and waited impatiently for it to come. Finally, I got in it and took it to Linda's apartment.

"What kept you?" Linda asked, when she answered the door.

"Ethel makes me do all the dishes by myself! It takes forever, and she won't let me off at all."

"You're like Cinderella up there."

"Tell me about it!" I said. "Not only that, but I have to leave at 10, or she said she'll lock me out of the apartment all night!"

"Jesus, Greg, she's psychotic! Anyway, let me introduce you to the girls."

She led me back to her room. First I passed her parents sitting in the living room and she introduced me to them. I was more than a little uncomfortable entering her bedroom to the stares of six girls. Just Audrey I recognized. She said, "hi" and I acknowledged it.

Linda introduced me to the girls, one by one. There was Stephanie, Barbara, Brenda, and two Jenny's: a Jenni with an "i" and a Jenny with a "y". It goes without saying that they were all attractive girls, in more ways than one. If Linda wasn't the nicest girl in the world for including me in this, I don't know who else was!

Before I had arrived, she had explained to them about Charlotte and even about Mike's transgressions.

"Pantyman," Brenda said, "you have to admit its pretty funny." She and the other girls chuckled at the thought. "But of course its not funny to you," she quickly added.

"Yeah, Charlotte and her obsession with panties!" I said as I took the one free seat between Jenny and Jenni and leaned against the edge of Linda's bed. The other girls were seated on the carpeted floor forming a circle.

"What's that all about," Barbara asked, "Linda said that Charlotte insists you wear panties. It seems to me it must be illegal."

"Maybe it is," I said. "My mom told me before she left that I shouldn't wear them. She had spoken to my dad in London, and he thought that Charlotte was being real pushy and that I should ignore her. I had every intention of ignoring her thing about the panties."

"What are you saying? You're wearing them?" Linda asked incredulously.

I felt foolish, but I knew I couldn't get away with lying, so I admitted to it, "I didn't want to, but you don't know how crazy Charlotte is! She has Ethel waiting for me when I come home from studying and she checks my drawer to make sure I'm wearing them. She said that Charlotte would be hurt if I didn't wear them. I told her I didn't see why she was looking through my drawers, but Ethel gave me some gobblydegook about how she has to help out Charlotte."

"Why can't you just refuse? I mean like just say no!"

"You don't understand. She's letting me stay there so my mom can go to London. I'm supposed to do everything she wants, so she won't regret my coming. It will let down my mom tremendously if Charlotte were to call her to complain about me. She might even grab the next plane back, and then my dad would kill me, besides having to deal with my mom's hurt and anger."

"But what can she say? 'Oh, but Greg is refusing to wear panties?"'

"You don't know Charlotte. She has a way of twisting things around. It just seems like the simplest thing to just wear them. I mean nobody can see them anyway. In any event, Charlotte is only trying to think in terms that they're better than normal boys underwear in some way. She's definitely not doing it for some sick reason. I mean you should see the clothes her niece wears. Did I tell you that I ended up in her bedroom because Lei refused to sleep in it. I'll get to move out as soon as Lei leaves. Its like the most frilliest girlish stuff. I feel really weird sleeping in there. With all the dollies and things. I saw in the drawer a bunch of her panties. They're like covered with little pink lacy frills and stuff. The ones that Charlotte got me are just plain white."

I could see that the girls were looking at me like I was making it all up. "Its all true. You should see this stuff. Its like a mausoleum for her long lost niece or something. There's everything she owned. Even some fancy dresses in the closet and a pink crinoline and pink high heels!"

"Wow. That sounds crazy," Stephanie said.

"I'd be curious to see her clothes," added Barbara.

"Yeah," Linda said, "do you think we could visit you there?"

"You mean right now?" I said nervously.

"No, not now, but some time. Like maybe when Charlotte is at work?"

"Her friend Ethel seems to be always there hovering. I think I'd need permission from Charlotte to have you visit, and she'd probably say no. On the other hand, I could probably sneak a pair of panties here to show you all." As soon as I said it, I realized that I probably shouldn't have. My experience with Ethel thus far was that she had magic powers of knowing what was going on in my drawer. What if she found out that I'd taken them?

"Its crazy that she would have a drawer full of panties like that and she isn't even staying there," Audrey said.

"Its not only panties. There are bras and slips and even fancy pink stockings."

"Could you sneak out a bra and slip also?"

"Why?" I asked, feeling pressured, "I think it may be hard enough just to get a pair of the panties."

"You're right, I guess there is no real reason, except you've raised our curiosity."

"I'll see what I can do."

"Just put it in your pocket," Linda said.

"Maybe, but what if she saw the bulge?"

"That would be pretty hard to see."

"You don't know Charlotte and Ethel like I do!"

"Since you're already wearing panties, why don't you just wear the panties?" Brenda said.

"And a bra too!" Jenny added.

"Not funny!" I said.

"Sorry, we're just trying to be helpful," Brenda apologized.

"It's OK, its just I'm a bit sensitive about this. Next thing I know, Mike will call me "braman." The girls laughed at the joke.

"Brahman, like the bull," Brenda added.

"Greg, I'd never tell Mike about that!"

I realized that my statement must have hurt Linda so I said, "sorry, Linda, I didn't mean to imply that you'd mention it. I'll see what I can do!"

"Don't you feel just creepy with all this girls stuff in your room?" Audrey said.

"Yeah, I really freaked at the start, but I'll actually only have to be in there for a few more days. Once my sister leaves for out west, Charlotte said I could move into the other bedroom."

The consensus of opinion was that Charlotte was worth watching very carefully. At the least she's kind of a nut case, at the worst, she might have some secret "agenda."

"What could that possibly be?" I said, trying to sound like I thought it funny.

"I don't know," Barbara said, "but its clear she's some kind of control freak, and if you don't have it out with her, she's going to keep on controlling you."

Having it out with her. I could see that maybe Barbara and the other were right. If I didn't do something soon, Charlotte would think she had the right to keep on walking all over me, and then I'd never be able to get out from under her thumb.

"What's the worst that could happen? She could ask you to leave."

"Not just ask me to leave. She could just lock me out and then where could I go, at least until my mom came back, assuming I could reach her?" I asked.

"How about your apartment in Queens?"

"My mom has had it sealed shut for the whole summer. I don't have the key and I can't get in it."

"Well, look, this is all really silly," Linda interjected. "If something bad happens, then I'll make sure that you can stay with my family. We have an extra bedroom. I'm sure my parents would help out."

"That's really swell of you Linda," I said with some emotion, "but I really think our imaginations are just running away with us. You know Charlotte has apologized to me on a couple of occasions for her being pushy. I'm sure if I just talk to her, all will be OK."

After that, we said no more about Charlotte. The girls and I talked about a lot of things, though I must admit that I spent more time listening than talking, since a lot of the things they discussed I knew very little about. Number one was their analyses of various guys and who was going with who and so forth. I found that kind of conversation to be a bit embarrassing to hear. On the whole, it was a very pleasant evening being surrounded by such pretty girls, and most of all being with Linda. The more I got to see her with her friends, the more I realized how kind she was. I did keep a sharp eye on the time and when it was 9:50, I excused myself to leave, since I wanted to make sure that I definitely got home before 10. We arranged to meet again on Thursday night, and just as I was leaving the door, Linda reminded me to bring whatever I could of the niece's panties and maybe a bra. I said, I'd do my darndest.

In a minute I was at the door to Charlotte's apartment letting myself in with the key. When I entered, Charlotte, Ethel and Lei were seated in the living room chatting. They greeted me warmly and asked if I'd had a good time. I said, I had and they invited me to join them. Lei and Charlotte had made themselves comfortable. They were wearing nightgowns: Lei a rather ordinary white one while Charlotte had on a beautiful red gown with a fancy red lace bodice. I could see their nipples poking out through the material plain as day and they made no attempt to cover themselves up better. It was hard keeping my eyes away from them. Charlotte asked if I would join them in a game of Rummy Cube, which I did. I had to admit it was fun and in no time at all I had a very hard time wondering how I could believe that Charlotte had any sinister intentions. She was definitely a bit eccentric, but I had to believe her heart was in the right place.




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